Explore some of my work to date!
Some highlights

Academic Publications and Conference talks
Ruster, LP, 2023, ‘”Being Responsible” when building GPT-powered products: cybernetic perspectives from a startup’, ChatLLM23. [see video below]
Ruster, LP, Oliva-Altamirano, P & Daniell, KD, 2023, ‘Centring dignity in algorithm development: testing a Dignity Lens’, OzCHI ’22: Proceedings from the 34th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, doi:10.1145/3572921.3572938
Ruster, LP & Daniell, KD, 2022, ‘Centring dignity in the responsible design of human-machine collaborations: an exploration’, HMC’22: Human-Machine Collaboration in a changing world. [see video below]
Ruster, LP & Daniell, KD, 2022, ‘Algorithmic Impact Assessments: A case for moving beyond mitigating harms’, Social Responsibility of Algorithms Conference (SRA22). [see video below]
Asadi, A*, Cooper, N*, Ibrahim, M*, Ruster, LP*, 2022, ‘The Multi-Level Perspective of Mobility Management During a Pandemic: Analysing the Case of the Home Quarantine South Australia App‘, Social Responsibility of Algorithms Conference (SRA22). [*Authors contributed equally]
Broad, E & Ruster, LP, 2022 (forthcoming), ‘Reframing AI Ethics: a cybernetics approach’ in Phan, T, Goldenfein, J, Mann, M and Kuch, D (eds.) Economies of Virtue: The Circulation of ‘Ethics’ in Big Tech, Society for Social Studies of Science.
Ruster, LP & Snow, T, 2021, ‘Dignity in government AI Ethics instruments’, Response-ability conference, https://response-ability.tech/programme/
Cooper, N*, Mainali, N*, Ruster, LP*, Teffera, T*, 2021, ‘Creating Intelligent Taps: Introducing a Computer Vision Prototype ‘Tappy’ for Efficient and Responsible Household Water Use’, Hydrology & Water Resources Symposium 2021, Engineers Australia. Tappy: A Tap with a Vision (Poster presentation). [*Authors contributed equally]
Ruster, LP & Brown, G, 2020, ‘Termination for Cultural Misalignment: Setting up Contract Terms to Ensure Community Well-Being in the Development of AI’, International Journal of Community Wellbeing, Vol. 3, pp. 523-537.
Ruster, LP, 2020, October, ‘Scaling Dignity: An Antidote to Poverty?’, In Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2020, No. 1, pp. 86-86.

Whitepapers & Reports
Oliva-Altamirano, P & Ruster, LP, 2022, ‘The Ethics of automated classification: a case study using a dignity lens’, Our Community: a SmartyGrants enterprise Whitepaper, Melbourne, Australia, retrieved 22 May 2022, https://smartygrants.com.au/research/the-ethics-of-automated-classification-a-case-study-using-a-dignity-lens
Ruster, LP & Snow, T, 2021, ‘Exploring the role of dignity in government AI Ethics instruments’, Centre for Public Impact, retrieved 29 March 2021, https://www.centreforpublicimpact.org/partnering-for-impact/cultivating-a-dignity-ecosystem-in-government-ai-ethics-instruments
Bell, G, Zafiroglu, Z, Assaad, Z*, Bradley, C*, Cooper, N*, O’Brien, E*, Reid, K*, Ruster, LP*, 2021, ‘Custodians and Midwives — The Library of the Future: Research and Analysis on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies’, Report prepared for The National Library of Australia [*Authors listed alphabetically]
All Tech is Human, 2020, ‘The Business Case for AI Ethics: Moving from Theory to Action’, retrieved 29 March 2021, https://www.scribd.com/document/487493539/The-Business-Case-for-AI-Ethics-Moving-From-Theory-to-Action
PwC’s Indigenous Consulting, 2018, ‘Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission: Human Rights Technology Issues Paper’, retrieved 15 March 2021, https://tech.humanrights.gov.au/sites/default/files/inline-files/97%20-%20PwC%27s%20Indigenous%20Consulting.pdf

Speaking engagements
- Moderator at Humanitech Summit, Humanitech Lab: putting principles into practice (2023)
- Panellist at Spark Festival AI&U: AI and Humans – responsible, safe and ethical Artificial Intelligence (2023)
- Moderator at HMC’22: Human-Machine Collaboration in a changing world, Responsibility in Human-Machine Collaboration (2022)
- Talk at the Responsible Tech Plenary session at The Purpose Conference, On being responsible: danger zones and guiding lights (2022)
- Panellist at Spark Festival – Imagining Better Futures with Cybernetics (2022)
- Workshop designer and facilitator at Spark Festival – So you want to be ethical? Now what? (2022)
- Interviewed on Startup Daily, ausbiz TV: medtech, renewable energy & AI (2022)

- Panellist at UNSW Australian Graduate School of Management Professional Forum on AI Ethics, The Risks and Rewards of AI – making informed decisions in the era of artificial intelligence (2022)
- Panel moderator at Humanitech Summit, Strengthening Australia’s approach to frontier technologies: addressing the risks, sharing the benefits (2022)
- Panel moderator and convenor for Dignity Dilemmas, Design and Tech: Stories from the field (2021)
- Panelist on Ethical Considerations in the digital era, Pint of Science (2021)
- International Women’s Day panellist at St. Vincent’s College (2019)
- Workshop facilitator at Purpose Conference: “Systems Change Yarning Circle” (2018)